About Me

“Why you need to be better? Just be happier!”

But sometimes being better is what makes one happier. Yet, better how?!

Competition is healthy until you compete only with yourself. Learn from others, but be better than yourself. The biggest success is to grow over yourself.

Sharing my creativity and experiences through art, design, writing, consulting…to bring the good mood and solutions to people who are in need of, is what fulfills me.

Sometimes a simple quote saved my life… Treasure of such I wish to bring forward…

In my opinion, it is not proper, nor professional to begin the sentence with “I”. Yet, there are exceptions, where nothing else but “I “in the beginning can picture the meaning better.

Here are few “I” s describing me and being worthy to begin with:

“I don’t have problems, I solve them.”

“I work on myself, I have no time to envy others.”

“I am who I want to be, because I am myself.”

Getting strongly encouraging feedback throughout my working experiences I learned not to be self-important, and I gained self-confidence. But who I am in personal life is irrelevant in this matter.

In my belief, private life is of no consideration in business. As much as I love my work, I believe it is healthy to make clear separation between business and private matters. Through storytelling I present parts of my personality, yet my present private life is not for public information. Thus, I also do not post my personal photos on the Web or else publicly.

On the other hand, with specific clients we have grown very personal relationship. And those experiences are the worthiest! Being very close with some of my clients gave me incredible insides to guide me through life and be better at what I do. Therefore, my door to create personal relationships through business is not closed. My personality is very much present. My character defines my work.

Regardless of being abstract I do my work impeccably!

“Perfection is in imperfection.”

“Shortcuts are the root of all evil, but the good mood is the root of all good!”

“Few lines tell a lot if you know how to look at them.”

As a bit of my personality, which defines me very much is that my outside work passion is to learn and do the “impossible” …

More of worthy “I” s for conclusion of this page, which is “mine and is about me, myself and I”:

“I can’t allow myself to be sad…I won’t allow to feel bad!”

“I enjoy myself, because I have suffered enough.”

“I can. I will. And I am.”

“I am who I am, because I make it so.”

“I don’t need more, because I love, and I am loved.”

“I make more, because I like to do so.”

“I am I, because there is nobody else who could be I…”

“I without I, who can that be? Certainly not me!”

NOTE: In this perception it is extremely important all about “I”… Our ego is growing into infinity… So, I made this site only, because it is “normal” to describe yourself. But I am not “normal”, thus also the description of myself and this site isn’t. Take it or leave it… But I won’t change for you.

Normal ain’t my norm.


Inspired by Spirit.

More about how I think you can find on page My Mind, Qpi3p.com and My other Websites.

And if You feel so, You are welcome to contact me directly at:


“Who can you trust?”